Pittcon 2023
Kelly, Lingjie, Cody, Yunong, Krista, Sasha, Segun and Lane got back in the saddle at Pittcon 2023, held in Philadelphia between March 18-23.
Lane named honorary fellow of AAAS
Lane is named an honorary fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science. TAMU press release about this here.
Cody Leasor elected to GSAC
Cody Leasor was elected as an analytical division representative to the Graduate Student Association in Chemistry. He ran on a platform of “more chemistry less paperwork.”
Benchtop SEM and Sputtercoater
Lane Baker
If asked what we’ll be imaging the most with this instrument, the answer will be nanopipets. Our group has demonstrated a vast range of applications for nanopipets e.g., SICM and SECCM imaging, sensing, electrodeposition, local nanoliter sampling, electrospray ionization, etc. For these applications, it is important to clearly characterize nanopipet geometry including the opening radius…
One-Year Anniversary
In January of 2022, after 16 great years at Indiana University, the bakergrp loaded a semi full of our gear and headed south to the Brazos Valley, relocating to Lane’s alma mater, Texas A&M University. Brian, Kristen, Sasha, Krista, Cody, Yunong and Lingjie made the trek south to Texas. Natasha and Ben stayed in Bloomington…
NSF CCI Center for Single-Entity Nanochemistry and Nanocrystal Design
Lane Baker
A consortium from Indiana University, Texas A&M, Temple and the University of Texas have recently been awarded a grant to establish the NSF Center for Chemical Imaging – the Center for Single-Entity Nanochemistry and Nanocrystal Design. The goal of this center is to address one of the biggest challenges in nanocrystal chemistry – the inherent…
SEAC Reilley Award
Lane was recently selected as the recipient of the 2023 Charles N. Reilley Award by the Society for Electroanalytical Chemistry. More news about the award and Baker can be found at SEAC and in a press release from TAMU. The award will be conferred at the Pittsburgh Conference on Analytical Chemistry in March of this year.
Single-Entity Nanoparticle SECCM
Lane Baker
The Baker group studied single-entity electrochemistry in the collaboration with Ye group (Indiana University Bloomington) to study and characterize electrocatalytic activity of single nanocrystals by utilizing scanning electrochemical cell microscopy (SECCM) and correlative microscopy. The methodology framework for SEE suggested here could inform future studies of complex electrocatalytic processes through correlative single-entity and macroscale measurement…
Our research group aims to train students to excel as both a scientist and a person.Â